Loaded Pickled-Veg Sweet Potato with Tzatziki
One thing that I'm really loving about plant-based is all the new combinations of food that I'm experimenting with! I used to be pretty basic, having chicken or eggs with most meals. I didn't really venture beyond carb veggies and I would prepare them sauteéd in olive oil every time.
Going plant-based has given me such a great opportunity to explore new flavors and foods. Not that I didn't eat sweet potatoes before, but I definitely didn't have them like this!
This recipe is so easy that I feel funny even calling it a recipe. Don't have something on hand? I encourage you to mix, match, and substitute any of the following to make your own delicious creation!
Sweet Potato
Cucumber, sliced
Red onion, thinly sliced
Butter beans (or bean of choice!)
Apple cider vinegar (you can really use any vinegar)
Plant-based Tzatziki
Parlsey, for garnish
s+p to taste
First set your beans, cucumber, and red onion in a bowl with 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup hot water, and some salt. The longer you let it sit, the more pickled that it will become. On this particular day I let it sit for about 30 minutes. You could do overnight to make them super pickly!
Steam your sweet potato. I like to wash mine, poke some holes with a knife, and then set in the microwave for about 5-8 minutes depending on the size, flipping half-way through. You can also use the oven or boil on the stove!
Next, drain the pickle mixture and toss with salt and pepper. Cut open the sweet potato and fill 'er up! Spoon the Tzatziki over top and garnish with lots of fresh parsley. Enjoy!!